Sunday, April 12, 2009

For the Fellas That Still Think Booking Females on the Internet is for Nerds

Stolen from G-Ron by the way.

I didn't want to just steal his video for the people that read my blog, so I have something to say about each of these poor bastards.

1. Mr. "PLEASE!?" - This just comes off really pathetic. When a chick says "No", you should take it for its most popular connotation, which is fucking "No".

2. Mr. "So you can't have friends?" - What the fuck is this shit about? Many a nigga has tried this stunt on my girl, so I asked her if I could record an audio message on her phone saying "Hello, this is her boyfriend saying no, she can't have friends with penises that she has not known prior to March 23, 2007, you lame ass nigga."

3. Mr. "Damn! She isn't going to call me!" - Now, I understand this one. When a chick says "I'll take your number, though", it's basically the easiest way to let a dude down since you're not actually saying something negative. Men, however, have realized over the years that it means "There is a very small chance I'm going to call you, so don't hold your breath."

4. Mr. "FLIP THE SCRIPT" - These are by far the worse perpetrators of failing to bounce back from rejection. Instead of saying "That's cool" and going on to find other fish in the sea with coochies he wants to have sex with, he cusses out the chick that turned him down. You can't try to get a woman's number and then turn around and say "Fuck you, bitch! You ugly anyway!" That's like offering someone some food, then when they say "No thanks" you start telling them "Yo fat ass don't need it anyway!" I understand that the whole thing is a ploy to wound her pride as much as she wounded yours, but dude, grow the fuck up.

5. Mr. "Not taking no for an answer" - That nigga's a criminal. If you can manage to call the police, he will dissipate because he surely has existing warrants. He probably also has a shower daddy who's feeling lonely without his old cellmate/butt buddy.



and thats why we love this blog.....


Malcolm Maximillion said...

I have done the last one lol

Stephanie said...


they was the funniest LOL.

$port said...

i know a handful of #4's, b.

CarolinaHaze said...

Does Mr. Flip the Script say "..please wash your drawls" at 1:16?

that's what it sounds like to me.

Monk Inyang said...

This has to be one of the most insightful pieces into the ignorance of dudes when approaching females. The last one reminded me of "Don't be a Menace."

Gallardo Bastardo said...

@carolinahaze He said "Please wear some lip gloss".