Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I thought of the VMAs

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There's no way in hell this jumpcunt earned those awards. I've literally never seen the video for Piece of Me in my life, but yet they expect me to believe this broad (who's career is currently in the sewers) managed to have the best video of the year. Man, lick cat nuts.

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I'm completely done with Lil Wayne. First this motherfucker starts wearing colored jeans. I was going to do that, and now I can't because then people would start saying I'm trying to be like Lil Wayne. Second, this bastard looked super hipster when he was performing with Kid Rock. Colored pants? A fedora? A plaid vest? Supras? Finally, he has a fucking piercing. Right there. Under his mouth. If he doesn't want us to think he might be a little fruity, then maybe he shouldn't do some questionable shit. What's next, a tramp stamp that says "BABY"?

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Okay, I see that he has a Garfield chain. Very corny. Now what's up with those glasses, b? Those aren't fresh. Clear shades makes you look like a dork. Even an anime nerd that knows the words to a bunch of Japanese songs would call you a loser if you wear shit like that. And what's up with painting a pocket on your shirt? Tyga has the worst dressed award until I can find out if Lil Mama was there or not.

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Kanye was the best thing of the night and that's sad because I found his performance kinda boring. Still waiting to hear Love Lockdown in good studio quality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sister is convinced she paid for those awards {britney} and that it was all a part of her come back plot.