Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And They Said It Couldn't Be Done

Everyone Chill the Fuck Out Pictures, Images and Photos

Excuse me, I'm tripping right now. Amidst all the ignorance and the skepticism, he did it. Although he is literally bi-racial, he will still be looked at as our first black president. If you told a white person sixty years ago that this would happen, they'd probably lynch you for blasphemy. Congratulations, Obama. Not to seem facetious, but now we have to keep him alive until inauguration.


Stephanie said...

Yo me & my sister was talking about that! I'm so glad he got elected like FORREAL (: but I hope an ignorant mothafucka don't try & RUIN it for everyone else...

*knocks on wood*

I'm about to go to school tomorrow acting crazy for all them bitches that said he couldnt - SMH.

$port said...

we can do anything we set our minds to...


[$ H A R O N A] said...


secret service is going to have to work so so hard.

Sudan6ix aka Chrome 6ix said...

I don't think they'd take it there because that would be the catalyst for the next civil war ! ? I pray not but this country was founded on everythang but justice , Nice blog
