Yeah, I'm late and I saw these on Way More Fresher last week, but I'd buy these. They're supposed to be Playstation 3 based, but I don't look at these and see Playstation 3. The fact that the Playstation 3 name is attached to them, though, is enough to make me want them. Not to mention they aren't completely hideous, unlike:
Boys and their sneakers/game systems lol
9 times outta 10 [plus one]
i'll beat you to them joints.
[and you know i will]
Ha, I already found them! I just don't wanna buy them yet! Ha! Thursday! Ha!
wtf are those under the ps3 blazers?
i see a "H"...hilton hotel shoes or some shit like that.eugghh!!
lol@Schoolin. No, worse, they're heelys.
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